Yes it really is.
I blog regularly on a-n but sort of gave up on this, however I have now downloaded an app for my phone ( my first app-I'm a phone technophobe) so who know's maybe this will become a more regular thing now.
2010 was a very busy year I took part in some amazing exhibitions, worked through a Biennial and had a full year in my residency at New Ferry Butterfly Park (more about that later - that needs a whole post of it's own)
I've met some fantastic people, I viewed some amazing artworks, I've listened to some inspiring music, a good year all round I think.
My work 'Stereo-tastic' as part of With These Walls We Are Shaped exhibition in Wolstenholme Creative Space was my favourite piece of the year I think and I managed to get Artist of the week on the Art in Liverpool website which made my week back then :)

In the same exhibition I also showed Stereotactic, a whole different ballgame for me and a really experimental piece that I enjoyed making but I think it was a one off, bricks are sooo hard to work with.

In the Squaremile exhibition at Bridewell Gallery I made a piece of work entitled 'St Bride's Well' from donated out of date Law Books transformed into a mini Bridewell, a copy of the Everton Tower.
I had a smaller piece of work in the Cooperative Gallery for the Re-Touched exhibition, it was entitled 'After Lee MingWei - from Mending Project to Make Do and Mend'.
I also re-hung my Concerto No.1 Installation within the Lauries Centre in Birkenhead, where it is still living.
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