Sunday, 7 February 2010

Out of Office

Sheffield - Out of Office exhibition at the Electric Works went really well, some great artists and really well curated.
Will post some images soon but for now  see -

Then I hot heeled it down to Southend on Sea to CoExist gallery and set up 'Set of Odd Volumes' the standard of work there was pretty amazing, a really fantastic exhibition.
Amy McKenny was so lovely, she curated the show, took us for drinks and put up my mate Julie in her spare room - beyond the call of duty.
I stayed courtesy of METAL at Chalkwell hall - what a place!!!! 

Monday, 18 January 2010

where does time go?

I have been a busy bee - trying to sort out work for an exhibition in Sheffield. OutofOffice arts are presenting a group exhibition in The Electric Works, Sheffield and I have been asked to join them.
So as I didn't know Sheffield at all I thought my piece could be about finding my way there, what I discover en-route. I've bought/found a few relevant A-Z books and have mapped my route page by page, doodling as I go. Has been quite an experience, you notice all kinds of things that you might ordinarily just drive past.

Then also I have to try and get my Degree show work down to Southend on Sea (in one piece - well 10 actually but...) for another group exhibition of book art. Very exciting.

Today I was asked to take part in another possible exhibition in the summer in Liverpool. It's all go....