First Blog on here, I've been blogging through www.a-n.co.uk for a while now but this one is just me :D
So - I am an artist, I have always been an artist but qualified as an illustrator 20 years ago and then decided to go back to Uni a few years ago and do a Fine Art Degree. I graduated in July 09 with a First Class Honours degree and have gone from being an illustrator to an Installation Artist and loving every minute of it.
I often think I should have done this years ago but you know what? I like illustrating for a good while, I got married, I had my wonderful kids and now is the time for me, maybe I wouldn't have appreciated it quite so much in my youth.
I work part time for Liverpool Biennial, I'm a Public Art Programme Assistant and I love my job. It's not often you hear that nowadays is it?
I am also in the first year of a part time MA in Fine Art/Site + Archive Intervention at UCLAN Preston, it's hard work trying to juggle everything but needs must.
The point of this blog is for me to show some of my art, show some art by other people that I admire, talk about art and to keep myself in check, when you hit 40 your memory starts to go so I figure if I write it all down, it'll help me when the alzheimers hits in one day. (It may be genetic but I don't have to give in to it ;-)